How to install Scala in Ubuntu 22.04

In the article, I will explain how to install Scala in your Ubuntu system. To start with, Java needs to installed before installing Scala. So run below two commands to install Java.

sudo apt update
sudo apt install default-jre

After successful installation of Java you verify by using before command. If you execute the same command, it should show a similar prompt message of the version.

Install scala ubuntu

Let’s jump into the main step of installing Scala. It is as simple as installing any other application in Ubuntu. Run the below command.

Install scala ubuntu

sudo apt-get install scala

Once you type enter, there will be a prompt to proceed with installation. You can continue by pressing y or Y.

Install scala ubuntu

Install scala ubuntu

Once successfully installed, it would look like the below the screen.

Install scala ubuntu

To verify it. You can open Scala RELP and check.

Install scala ubuntu

There you go!.

Install scala ubuntu

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1 Comment

  1. Harper

    December 6, 2022 at 6:10 am

    Nice tutorial. Thanks!

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